Greetings my friends, from my bedroom where I am officially typing my last blog post here. At least for a while anyway.
Yep, that's right, tomorrow I move out and on up to the big ol' city of Manchester to start my degree. Shall I tell you how I'm feeling?? I would, but I don't think I can without using a number of expletives which I don't think is particularly appropriate for my audience.
In all honesty, moving out is a terrifying prospect. Today, the day before we go, I'm feeling really strange, I'm flipping from one mood extreme (can't believe it's happening, I'm so excited to leave and be on my own and independent for a bit!!) to the next (I do not want to leave.) My three best friends left my house about two hours ago and the thought of not seeing them until Christmas is slightly disconcerting.
But on the other hand I'm filled with this overwhelming excitement that honestly cancels out every other negative thought I'm having about the whole process. I've been chatting to my hall mates and course mates for a few weeks now and made good friends with a few of them - my flatmates seem lovely and my actual flat is lovely too. I thought I'd add into this post just my reasons for not deferring in the end as well - for those of you who don't know, my plan when I applied for university was to defer until 2018 and do something makeup-orientated in my year out. However back in June I suddenly realised that actually, I really didn't want to defer. It was for a number of reasons to be honest with you which I will now list:
✨ I hated the thought of seeing all my friends heading off and not going with them because they'd all be moving on while I'd be stuck in my crappy town
✨ it's easier to be excited for a gap year when you actually have plans for it. I did not. I was simply going to bum around for a year.
✨ it's also easier to be excited when you've got a job you actually like doing. No, that's a bit of an exaggeration, some parts of working in a play cafe at a kids activity farm were lovely like the friends I made and the money and the little kids running around everywhere but it's extremely boring and tedious work. The thought of doing that for a whole year was dreadful.
✨ honestly, I picked a degree I love and I did not want to wait a year to start it. I'd miss learning and the stimulation too much. Also, I think I'd get completely out of the habit of learning and working and going back to it would be a struggle for me.
I mean, that's just a few of the reasons why I didn't defer my university entry in the end. Now it's here and it's happening, however, it feels totally natural and totally normal. My grandma said to me yesterday that they were surprised that I deferred in the first place and had a slight inkling that I'd choose not to. Just goes to show that maybe your family really do know you better than you know yourself!! But in all seriousness, I don't regret bringing my entry forward. It's almost got to a point where I can't imagine myself ever wanting to take a year out in the first place!!
Obviously, university isn't for everyone and that's completely understandable, I'm a huge advocate of just doing what is going to make YOU happy and no one else - I made this choice completely on my own which I don't think I did when I was deferring. If you don't want to go to uni because you want to follow a different career path or just because it's simply not for you - you do you.
So that concludes this little thrown together post, it's a bit of a shambles but to be honest, that reflects what our entire house looks like right now!
On another note, I uploaded a university Ikea haul the other day, I filmed a fun video with my aforementioned pals and I'm also vlogging the moving process. Not very well, but look out for that on my YouTube channel.
That's all for now. Onwards and up(north)wards. See you in Manchester, pals.
Emilia xx