Hey kids! It's been another unintentional two weeks since I touched this little space on the internet but I'm back after a pretty crazy last week of uni. It's been a very stressful one but I'm back and hopefully here to stay a little while.
01 // Today is the end of first year! I know, crazy early, but all my timetabled lectures and seminars ended today and I have four deadlines between now and the 4th May but after that, summer begins. I tell you, I am so excited for first year to be over. One of my units is also over today after I submitted my final piece of coursework about ten minutes ago so that's another weight off.
02 // I'm off home tomorrow evening after the Leeds Great Northern anti-Brexit March which me, my dad and my sister are going to again! Very excited for going home as well, and then skiing with the usual family crowd next week.
03 // I bought oven chips and they're lovely.
04 // Finally, finally I went to see The Greatest Showman this week!! It was everything I wanted it to be and so so much more and I'm so looking forward to getting it on DVD when it comes out - I'm in love. I've been listening to the soundtrack for a while anyway but it's been on repeat now since I watched it! Would highly recommend.
05 // Off to the sister's tonight to have some sister time with pizza and garlic bread. I haven't seen her in a while so it's long overdue so I'm looking forward to sitting down and having a good ol' chat with her.
What are five good things from your week?
Em xx
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