
"Flowers Bloomed From Her Skull"

Monday 11 April 2016

Have a feeling the title is from an R.M. Drake poem, if you're wondering :)

Snazaroo Clown White | L'Oreal True Match Foundation shade 1C | Ayliss Flash Palette Black shade

Credits to Vic for the title by the way - I painted her face a while back and she made a blog post about it and called it that. For about a week now I've pretty much had it buzzing in the back of my head like a little bee and I wanted to do something to sort of literally represent it, so I decided to finally do it with a few spare hours I had yesterday.

All it took was three products - white cream makeup mixed with foundation and black cream makeup. That's literally it.

I started by mixing the foundation and white to create a really pale but still sort of skin coloured colour and basically put that over my entire face, neck, chest and shoulders with a Makeup Revolution sponge. I swear by makeup sponges for applying base coats of face paint with - you get a much more even, smooth finish with them than you do with brushes and it takes waaay less time! 

I wasn't really sure how I was going to do the actual details on the piece. I knew I wanted a rose type flower on the shoulder, around one eye and on the chin, but apart from that I honestly didn't have a clue where I was going with it, I just sort of made it up as I went along.

The roses actually weren't that hard. I practised for ages all up and down my legs and arms so I basically became a walking rosebush for a day, but I generally starteed with a sort of flower shape and went from there really. Adding triangles, rectangles, swirly things here and there randomly and creating a sort of flower shape. Wasn't too happy with how the eye one came out - I feel like I should've taken a lot more care over it but oh well, next time! For the shading I just used whatever was left on my brush and just pulled the colour from the outline down into the middle and then went back and redefined the outline with more black. I then decided to paint an actual skeleton on myself - not at all anatomically correctly but there we go, biology students don't murder me please! I just sort of drew some wiggly lines and then used the same shading technique as before.

The face - pretty much the same. Flower round one eye, I did it on the eye opposite the shoulder to balance it all out, flower on the chin (was so proud of how this one turned out - I loved it) and just some wiggly lines really. I wish I hadn't filled in one eye socket, I should have left it blank with some shading and smoky eyeliner. Next time maybe. The wiggly lines are sort of meant to be thorns but they didn't really turn out that way. 

All in all, I was pretty happy with how it came out, there are obviously things to improve on for next time I try this but overall I do really like it. 

It's also my first post on my new Facebook page called Emilia Rachael MUA - if you're interested in keeping up with my work I would really appreciate it if you would go and give me a cheeky like. I also have a special Instagram now called @emilia.rachael.mua so you can go give that a cheeky follow too.

The video tutorial for this will probably be up sometime this week - don't hold me to that because I do go back to school tomorrow so I'm not sure just how much time I'll have this week!

Have a wonderful Monday my loves and I'll see you soon!

Emilia xx

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