
Talking Frankly About Nudes | #IAmMoreThanMyBody

Thursday 21 April 2016

Today, I'm going to tell you a story. This is a true story, everything in this blog post happened exactly how I tell it.

Oh, by the way, if you want to skip the story, just scroll down to where the screenshots end. Some of you might be in a hurry and there's a lot of screenshots involved in this.

I have a dating app that you might have heard of. It's called Tinder. Now, I don't feel like I should justify why I have it, but the main reason is that I like talking to new people and meeting new people and just having different conversations with different people. Most of the time I make some pretty good friends and most people on there (both guys and girls) are nice.

But then, every maybe two in ten, think this is okay.

This was nearly a year ago...I wonder why he never replied...

And this is where the main part of the story begins.

So I'm happily swiping away in front of 24 Hours In Police Custody (which you should all watch, by the way, it was very good) and then this comes up. You can imagine my reaction.

"Oh. My. Lord."

Quickly followed by

"That can't be a real photo of him."

I took my chances and swiped right anyway, and nearly screamed when this happened.

Ten minutes later, this pops up and I'm like "I am on my way to a long relationship with a hot guy full of love, happiness, good sex and beautiful babies."

Things didn't exactly work out that way.

I was going to go on a feminist rant at him about how it's not okay to ask for nudes etc, but then  thought a bit more, and decided I was going to troll him...big time.

Upstairs my little legs carried me and out I whipped my Naked 2 and Naked Smoky, MAC Hue (woud've used Velvet Teddy but it was in my bag lol), Rimmel Kate Moss 45, Rimmel The One in "Naughty Nude" and NYX Butter Lipstick in the shade Pops.

And then this happened.

After a response (and a couple of dick pics which I really did not need to see) asking to "send real nudes", I decided that yes, I would go on my feminist rant at him.

In response to the question "Why are you sending me pictures of lipsticks?"

And on a parting note...

And just to prove I actually did this...

Ahh, the joys of screenshotting.

The End.

To ANYONE who has EVER asked ANYONE for nudes,

My main question is what makes you think it's okay to ask for nudes? Boys or girls, this is. It's not, alright, it's really not. Asking for nudes is rude, degrading, objectifying and frankly a really horrible thing to do.

Think about the implications about asking for nudes. 

You're telling a man/woman that their body is only in existence for your pleasure. 

You're telling them that they aren't worth talking to and actually getting to know.

You're telling them that they are their body, and there is nothing else to them.

You're telling them that they are worthless.

It's not okay.

I am a woman and I have boobs. I am a woman and I have a vagina. I am a woman, and do you know something? I have a brain. I have a personality. I have intelligence, curiosity, imagination, ideas, views, opinions, thoughts, dreams, hopes, cares. I am so much more than my body.

My body is not there to bring you pleasure. My body is not in existence for me to show you my boobs as soon as you ask. And there you go, acting like you have a right to my body, a right to ask me to show you my body like I'm not a self-respecting girl who is saving my body for the right man/woman when s/he comes along. I am a self-respecting girl who has a lot more to her than her body, but no, you don't care about that, do you? You only care about satisfying your own needs. You don't care about how it might make a girl/boy feel when you ask her/him for nudes. You don't care that s/he might look at herself in the mirror and ask herself. "Is this really all people see in me?". You don't care that she might look at the recent A she got through working hard in an English essay and think to herself "Is this really worth anything?"

And as a note to any girl who has ever gone through that - you are more than your body. You have beauty, brains and intelligence that far surpass any gorilla of a teenage boy/girl who thinks that asking for nudes is okay.

Maybe one day, boys and girls alike will learn to respect other people's bodies and their privacy.

And anyway, what's so satisfying about nudes anyway? Surely taking the time to get to know someone and seeing it in real life is better than just a boring old picture...


Emilia xx

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