
The 2017 Roundup

Sunday, 24 December 2017

I'm going to be completely honest with you now, pals, I can barely even remember what happened in 2017, the whole thing just went so so quickly. Everyone is saying it - it's practically the only thing I hear at the moment! But it's true - it only feels like yesterday I was waking up in January thinking how quickly 2016 went by!

I don't know if it's just me but I love seeing other people's Christmas trees, I think every family decorates them so differently, it's such a personality thing haha

it's kind of a tradition at this point for me and my sisters to put these cute little angels on the tree in the most interesting ways possible. This year we've got one clinging onto a branch, though she looks slightly drunk, and one attempting to climb the tree to the top. Don't ask.

my grandad made these little trees donkey's years ago.

So, as bloggers do at this time of year (I am such a fan of blogger cliches - call me a "typical blogger" any day and I'll be perfectly happy), here's a nice lovely roundup of everything that went on this year if I can even remember.

Five Good Things From The Week #4

Friday, 15 December 2017

Nice cute picture from our lil shoot the other day.

I haven't done a Five Good Things for soooo long and honestly I kind of found myself missing it?! It's so nice to have something like this at the end of a week, positive or negative as it just helps me to find some good things that happened and really appreciate life a lot more than I do sometimes.

01// Today was the last day of term!! At 11:03 I walked out of my last exam and into Christmas freedom!! Well, not exactly - I've got a portfolio deadline on the 12th January so I'll be writing for a lot of Christmas but that's okay - not too much pressure. I'm going home on Sunday and genuinely can't wait.

02 // I picked up a couple of lurrrvely bits in charity and thrift shops this week, including the above jumper which I wrote a post on here. I've discovered just how much I love thrifting recently which has contributed to one of my NY resolutions (but you'll have to wait to find out exactly what it is ;) )

03 // I realised what amazing friends I have after the ups and downs I've had the past week. They've let me cry on their shoulders and laugh the next minute with them and just given me a real reason to get out of bed in the morning.

04 // I'm so proud of myself for keeping Vlogmas up for 14 days. I missed one day out of that which is so much better than I thought I'd do!! You can check out my Vlogmas over on my YouTube ;)

05 // Honestly, I'm just quite happy right now. Just in general I'm very happy with the people I have in my life and what I'm doing and the things I'm learning and I'm just feeling pretty good. It makes a change to about a month ago when (and my friends can vouch for this) I was a serious mess. A lot can change if you let it :))

What are five good things from your week?

Em xx

Pretty Girls In Ugly Jumpers

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Oh hello again!!

So...blogmas kind of went out of the window, didn't it?! I'm honestly enjoying Vlogmas much more, my editing skills are being improved and I kind of just love vlogging. Not to say I don't love blogging, but I feel like with the pressure of having to get a blogpost out every day I end up rushing it and not putting out as good content as I'd like to be if that makes sense? I'd prefer to put out a really good blogpost two or three times a week rather than just bashing out something every day that's a bit below par. That being said though, I've been very inactive this week simply because I've been swarmed with exams and deadlines and family drams and so on and so forth so I've had no time to do anything else! But I got one exam out of the way yesterday and I've got another one on Friday and then term ends and home for Christmas it is.

November Favourites

Monday, 4 December 2017

Welcome to the most generic blogmas post ever!! I'm sure we're all bashing this one out at the moment so hopefully mine won't be too samey same!!

December Bullet Journal Update

Saturday, 2 December 2017


Today I thought I'd give you all a lil bullet journal update because hell have I gone ALL OUT for December - it's snowy and Christmassy as heck. I took a lot of inspiration for this month from AmandaRachLee who is one of my all time favourite bullet journal YouTubers. So let's dive on in...

Life In November & December Goals

Friday, 1 December 2017

!!!!!!!!!! (This is my first blogmas post since I did it in 2013. What a time.)

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