
The 2017 Roundup

Sunday, 24 December 2017

I'm going to be completely honest with you now, pals, I can barely even remember what happened in 2017, the whole thing just went so so quickly. Everyone is saying it - it's practically the only thing I hear at the moment! But it's true - it only feels like yesterday I was waking up in January thinking how quickly 2016 went by!

I don't know if it's just me but I love seeing other people's Christmas trees, I think every family decorates them so differently, it's such a personality thing haha

it's kind of a tradition at this point for me and my sisters to put these cute little angels on the tree in the most interesting ways possible. This year we've got one clinging onto a branch, though she looks slightly drunk, and one attempting to climb the tree to the top. Don't ask.

my grandad made these little trees donkey's years ago.

So, as bloggers do at this time of year (I am such a fan of blogger cliches - call me a "typical blogger" any day and I'll be perfectly happy), here's a nice lovely roundup of everything that went on this year if I can even remember.


Mmm okay, I struggled to remember what happened in January but after scrolling all the way back through Facebook and Instagram I found out 😂 I do remember finally quitting my paper round and a relationship ended which was sad but for the best. I met my lovely cute little baby cousin the first time as well in January, and it's so hard to believe she turned a year old in November!


In February I was reunited with my best pal Vicky after not seeing her for six months, the longest we've ever been apart, and spent a great week on my first and last school skiing trip, meeting new friends and skiing in a new resort which I haven't done in eleven years! It was so much fun and I won the "Miss Sensible" award from the week! Yes, I questioned it too.


I don't really remember much from March!! I went to one of my good friends' 18ths in March, got a new piercing and managed to make it to 129 days clean of self-harming on March 1st which was nice.


April saw another family skiing holiday come and go, plus my first ever skiing injury (in eleven years) when I dislocated my knee on a nursery slope no less. I also did my second and last Rock Challenge for my school which was a bittersweet moment, I was so relieved that the stress of designing and making costumes and makeup designs was over, but at the same time it was amazing to be involved in such an insane production.

fit one em.


The biggest thing in May was obviously my last day of school which again was an extremely bittersweet day. Sixth form really helped me grow as a person and it was where I did the majority of my maturing, and made some amazing friends who I hope will stay with me for a long time.


June brought the hardest three weeks of my life powering through eight A Level exams and then the best day on the 21st when I got back from my last history exam and just collapsed on the floor and considered throwing all my revision away before I decided not to in case I failed it all. Plus my notes were just way too pretty to throw away. Without A Levels I just had no clue what to do with my time so I went and got myself a job. We also said an extremely sad goodbye to my beloved grandfather who passed away at the beginning of June after a short illness.

mm baby em.


In July I finally kicked the YouTube off again properly this time, and I've done pretty well with it so far I'd say!! I also had my Year 13 Leavers' Ball which again was the most bittersweet time. I also turned 18 (!!!) in July which was possibly one of the best days ever, finally being able to go out properly with my friends was so good! My best friend Rach also turned 18, the day before me, and her party was so much fun as I got to see Vicky and Emma and all my other friends from that neck of the woods again. This was also the month when I thought it would be a really good idea to dye blonde hair dark red!! Honestly kids, never do it. I'm now accidentally ginger and am looking at another six months of growing to get it out!!


August was a month and a half. I had my first night out (out out!!) and then most of it was spent waiting in anticipation for results day on the 17th, and after convincing myself I either hadn't got into university or just scraped a place, A*AB was an unexpected but extremely pleasant surprise. Seshed that night and three days later flew out to America to spend two weeks there, and saw my older sister for the first time in two months since she'd been doing Camp America the whole time. This summer was an extremely good one in my opinion, so much better than summer 2016!!

yes. me and my sister ARE related.


Where do I even start with September?! The obvious biggest thing that happened was moving three/four hours away from home to Manchester and beginning the next stage of my education with a English and Creative Writing degree. When I say it's the biggest change I've ever had to deal with in my life, I'm not kidding. I was massively thrown in at the deep end and I still don't really feel like I've found my feet! I also don't actually have any good photos from September either apart from this one which was the first time me and the English gals went out outside of lectures which was cute.


October brought a wonderful anti-Brexit march, the confidence to wear my indie jeans for the first time, and another milestone of 147 days clean of cutting on World Mental Health Day. I also did the first body paints I'd done in months on my friends, and saw dodie live at the Manchester Academy, an emotional but wonderful night. October ended with a trip to Sheffield to see two of my best friends which was much needed after an extremely emotional month.

@BritsAgainst on Twitter if you wanna give a cheeky follow ;)


The biggest thing in November was getting my braces off! Best day and feeling ever. I spent an amazing weekend in Leicester with Vicky, and saw my little sister in her first ever lead role in a school play and finally felt like I was getting back on track with university.


December has maybe been my best month since going to university. I didn't make any terrible decisions or cry every day. I had two exams in the last week which were kind of stressful and we'll see how far I get with those on results day, but I hit a number of milestones in December including a sub-30 5k and managing 16 consecutive days of Vlogmas . Highlights included meeting Rachel Leary and Hannah Renee as well as a number of coffee dates with Ellie, spending time with my uni fam and of course, coming home for Christmas. I've seen my best friend Izzi already and my cousins, and the rest of the family and friends catch ups will be happening over Christmas and beginning of January. Can't wait to be honest. I got to a point in December where I just went "I want to go home" and it feels so good to be back.

Happy Christmas from me and the lit fam (get it, lit because we do English LIT and we're LIT...yeah okay.)

What happened in your 2017?

Em xx

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