
March Bullet Journal Update

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

I may be writing this post the moment snow begins to fall in a minus one Manchester and this may be a very spring orientated layout but hell, we're going to go with it anyway!

So yes, the time has come for another bullet journal update. I didn't do one for February as it was a bit of a weird month and I had absolutely no motivation to do anything pretty or nice, but luckily it was the opposite recently so I sat down on Sunday evening and actually put some effort into my bullet journal. As I say, I picked a very spring theme for March with all the lilac and lavender and flowers everywhere but it's very very pretty! For the title page I just did a lavender wreath with Crayola Supertips in a lilac, purple/pink and green and the Tombow Fudenosuke soft pen. 

Five Good Things From The Week #7

Saturday, 17 February 2018

reusing old pics bc yes I haven't got round to taking any more hahaha

You'd be right in thinking I did unintentionally take two weeks off from this lil space on the internet here - I stress the word unintentional! This was never supposed to happen but then my blogging breaks never are supposed to happen, they just do because life starts pitching the curveballs and this is just one that I sometimes can't catch.

There's not really been much going on in the last few weeks but there has been one massive curveball which I'm not going to go into in detail because it involves another person which has led to a very very emotional and up and down two weeks and to a certain extent I'm still trying to juggle with it! But onwards and upwards is what I'm saying. I've been really busy with uni work and reading and still have another three books to read for next week so that's what I'm cracking on with today and tomorrow. I've also had a trapped nerve in my right arm since Saturday which comes from squashing the radius nerve in my back by squatting with a 50kg barbell without a pad...Don't follow my example, kids, it's bad. The good news is the entire arm now feels very normal again and it's just my palm and first three fingers that are still feeling weird. It's like pins and needles but all the time, very strange feeling indeed.

But anyway, onto the five good things rather than complaining about the bad. I'm a firm believer that life is what you make it - plaster a smile on and fight through the bad and concentrate on the positives and life is so, so much better and brighter.

Thrift Finds & Stripy Shorts

Saturday, 3 February 2018

Okay so firstly, have you ever taken a bunch of outfit photos and then not known what to write about?  Because same. Honestly, I'm just going to write about the outfit so I mean it's not that exciting! I've had one of those bad weeks this week where mentally I'm okay but I just can't be bothered to manage time and diet and food and general daily functioning. Cue days spent in bed with blankets and the boy watching six episodes of Friends at a time between naps and garlic bread breaks. I'm going to put my hands up and admit I haven't been to the gym this week, I've been to uni twice and eaten terribly but sometimes you've got to accept a bad week for what it is and put it in a box with the rest and make the next one a good one, right?! Later today though we are finally signing the tenancy agreement for our new house for second year so that'll be a small victory at least.

My thrift find of this month definitely comes in the shape of this jacket. It's a dark green/grey/brown colour (honestly no clue how to describe the colour) and it's made of corduroy and it was £10 from the Thrift Shop on the corner of Piccadilly in Manchester. And honestly, I adore it. It probably belonged to a 14 year old boy back in 1993 when these were actually fashionable - in fact Joey on Friends actually has a jacket exactly like this so you see what I mean about the 90s vibe. It's so comfy though and it feels well worn in and loved. I also love the size of the pockets (weird point but needed) and how well it goes with literally everything. Mom jeans, skinny jeans, skirts, dresses, shorts, going out outfits, daytime outfits, pyjamas for a 2am McDonalds run...

Let's move on.

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