
Life In April & May Goals

Thursday, 3 May 2018

pouty girl

I think it's been a couple of months since I did one of these posts!! But here you go, you got a new one and it's pretty busy.

Pretty much just like April. April was busy. That's literally all I can say about it. We arrived back from an amazing skiing holiday (there are pictures on my personal instagram @emilia_rxchael) once more on the 9th and it was back to uni about two days, straight back to some lovely power cuts and what was pretty much a massive shitstorm going down at my uni accommodation. A few days away from a massive deadline it was exactly what I didn't need but luckily everything got fixed in the nick of time but you best believe I held back a good chunk of my rent! Deadlines pretty much characterised April, I had two 3000 word essays due a week apart and honestly, after the amount of time I spent in the library I think I went slightly delirious. "Business" life (well, blog life, who are we kidding here) has been going swimmingly, I designed a shiny new media kit and hit 800 followers on my Instagram, and hoping to hit 900 very soon, as well as Twitter spiking a little bit too!! Very proud of myself.

Personal side of life in April kind of fell apart, I'm not going to lie. Me and the person I was seeing had to end our 'relationship' - look, I don't really know what it was, it was a complicated situation in the first place and will continue to be complicated so we've had to take a break over summer to reevaluate. It makes me sad, but I know right now it's definitely the best thing for us and our friendship right now. But, I really did enjoy the few days of sunshine we had, the sun always makes me feel so much better and spending some time with my friends has been much needed. 

smiley girl!!!

Unfortunately April ended with a trip home and a contraction of a pretty nasty tonsillitis infection so I'm currently staying at home a week longer than expected to recover before heading back to Manchester on Monday to finish up some last bits, attend some appointments (hair and doctor's and the like) and pack stuff I need over summer before moving back home and pretty much throwing myself into the full time work life. 

So what are May's goals? To be honest, not many. I'd love to hit 900 followers on my Instagram and maybe even 1000? I managed to gain about 200 in April so you never know, it could happen but I'm definitely not getting my hopes up with the state of Instagram these days!! I'm hoping to film a few tutorials while I'm alone at the flat and doing nothing next week so hopefully the YouTube game will be upped once more. I'd like to get back into running and start doing Parkrun with my Dad once I move home, but depending on my work shift pattern it may or may not happen! But nevertheless, as it starts getting warmer and lighter in the evenings we'll definitely go running around our village. Part of me wants to join a gym with my little sister but I don't know if I'll have the money for that so we'll see!! 

I don't want to set myself too many goals as like I said, I'll be working 40 hours a week and that won't leave so much time for anything else, so I don't want to be too harsh on myself! 

What are your goals for May?

Em xx

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