As the title suggests, there's a gal behind this screen who has never touched fake tan in the nearly nineteen years she's been alive. In all honesty, I've always disliked my pale skin a little but have been way too scared of tanning to go anywhere near it. There always just seemed so many types, too many rigorous steps to follow and it just didn't seem worth it to me. But, your gal's also off to Mallorca and to be honest, the Caspar-the-friendly-ghost-blinding-everyone-in-the-sun look just wasn't working for me anymore. So I hesitantly went to my little sister's bathroom cupboard, attempted to use her Bondi Sands express one before deciding it was too complicated for me, and picked up the Dove DermaSpa Summer Revived gradual tanner instead. There wasn't much left in the tube she had, just enough to do my legs, so decided to test it out...and boy. All I'm going to say is that I now know why girls who fake tan never look back - the confidence I got just from doing my legs was just insane and I immediately ordered some more on Amazon Prime to do the rest of my body.
It's official, I've stepped into the world of fake tanning and I'm never going back. And, at £5.50 for 200ml, the Dove DermaSpa is insane. I apply it straight from the shower after exfoliating and the best thing is you can apply it as a moisturiser, so just with your hands, and it doesn't go streaky!! It's gone slightly patchy around my knees, elbows, shoulders and ankles I have to say, but I'm kind of thinking that's my extremely amateur and inexperienced application more than anything else!! I didn't use it on my face, although I'm sure you could because it's actually a really good moisturiser too, since my skin has been really smooth since using it!! It also doesn't have such a gross smell, it does linger a little but it's quite nicely scented. It develops over about three hours, I've found, so would also be great for a quick tan fix. The slight downside is that it leaves a slightly sticky feel to your skin like quite a lot of body lotions do which is a bit annoying but not something that bothers me too much.
Overall, all I can say is that I'm thoroughly enjoying being a slightly darker gal for once, it seems to make everything look better on me and gives me some actual muscle definition as well, so what can I say other than I'm impressed?? A tube of fake tan and confidence all in one and therefore a winner in my eyes.
Have any of you tried this tanner? If so, how did you find it?
Em xx
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