
The Holy Grail Product for Curly Hair

Friday 22 July 2016

I can't tell you the amount of times I look in the mirror and go "ew. what is this mess on my head that looks like a cowpat that's been bleached by the sun."

Yeah, so my hair really ruins my aesthetic. It's dry, frizzy, messy, untamed and frankly the bane of my life. And let me tell you, the "heatwave" (technically, according to the Times, it's not actually a heatwave yet) we've been accosted with in the UK, is not helping matters.

Enter this baby.

Recently, the parentals took a lil weekend trip to Ireland with some family friends and my mum brought me back a couple of bits, and one of them was a product from the Aveda Be Curly range. I've heard of the Be Curly range from Aveda before but never tried it out because (I won't lie) at £20 a tube/bottle thing it's sort of expensive. So you know, there was no way I would turn down a gift from my mother of something that would come close to making my hair actually aesthetically decent.

Oh and does it.

Here are some pictures, both taken after washing my hair, with and without this magical stuff.


Please ignore how sweaty I look, according to Snapchat the temperature is currently 27 degrees literally help me I am so balmy. This is also the reason I have no eyebrows, I've literally sweated them off wonderful.

You see what I mean? It's actually a bloody nightmare looking after this mess. You can see how dry the ends are and how my head is sort of surrounded by this layer of frizz. And oh yeah, I was wearing a black bra under a white shirt. Nope, I cannot fail at life any more than I already do. On a side note, it's such a weird colour, isn't it? Like it's not brown but it's not blonde either, there are just random bits of really blonde hair in amongst all this like golden brown stuff, it's a bit odd.

Okay and then we get this magical product on it...

Can you see the difference or can you see the difference? There's still a bit of frizz but again, it was quite hot and humid today which doesn't help matters lol. But you can see that the curl is so much more defined and the halo of frizz over the top of my head has been reduced significantly.

So here's what I do with my hair, broken down into several handy tips.

- I don't wash it every day. I have very dry hair but for some reason washing it every day just dries it out even more. At the moment I do it every other day and it's actually made such an improvement.

- I don't use any more products than necessary. I shampoo, I condition, I put in the curl cream and that's it.

- I shampoo the roots of my hair and shampoo down to where it sort of leaves my scalp at the bottom (does that make sense?) and condition where I didn't shampoo. It's really important just to keep conditioner on the ends, not on the actual roots because otherwise conditioner build-up can be caused and to be honest, that's just a lil icky.

- I don't put heat on it. I straighten my hair when I need to and that's it. There are days when I do just because it's a lot easier to manage when it's straight because it's so easy to throw up into a ponytail or bun, when it's curly it takes a little longer. But I only do it when completely necessary now, not any more. For example, I did it for Rock Challenge because I was going to be doing makeup for 3+ hours  andI knew it would just get in the way and irritate me. On the rare occasions I do straighten it I use ALL the heat protectant spray just to give it the moisture.

- I get it cut when it needs it. I hate getting my hair cut but when you have hair like mine it's so important to get it tidied up every now and then. I hate it mainly because I look awful with shorter hair, the length it's at at the moment is the perfect length for me but surprise surprise, due for yet another cut *sighh*

- Another final tip - it's important to find a hairdresser that knows what they're doing with curly hair. It will make SO much of a differnce if you find a hairdresser who knows the ins and outs and how to cut and deal with curly hair so it looks decent. It'll make the world of difference, I promise.

Alright lads, that's me done. If you have curly hair, I so hope this post helped you, and if you don't but you know someone who does, buy them this product for their next birthday or for Christmas. You'll be saving a girl's life, I promise.

Emilia xx

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