
Gallivants In Leicester

Monday, 20 November 2017

As if I hadn’t already banged on enough about it, this weekend I went to see my best friend in Leicester!! Like I said in Five Good Things yesterday, I’ve had a really rough week to say the least and if I’m being completely honest the only thing getting me through at some points was the thought of seeing Vicky this weekend and being with someone who knows me better than I know myself. We had a night in on the Friday and watched Netflix and ate a lot of Ben & Jerry’s and pizza and then got a good ten hours sleep like the grandmothers we are!! On Saturday we gallivanted around a little bit, went on a lovely shopping trip where I picked up some bits for my next makeup tutorial (VERY excited about this one so I hope you are too) and then went on a pretty big bender I won’t lie!! I’m currently writing this after having done the stressful train change from Leicester to Nottingham and I’m on the two hour journey from Nottingham to Manchester so I thought what better time to write a post and share some cute photos that Vicky took for me.

This outfit (or what you can see of it) is one of my absolute staples for autumn/ winter - much like my basic jeans/jumper/jacket combo. I think my friends and family have got sick of seeing me in this skirt! I never really understood denim skirts when they made their comeback, I can remember having one when I was about ten and absolutely adoring it - I wore it with a pink T-shirt that said Roller Girl in glittery letters on it and my (also pink) (also glittery) ballet pumps that were super uncomfortable but I put myself through it because I adored them so much. Anyway. I didn’t really get how to style them without having the same sort of little girly look about them, and while it still does look a little young I love how I can dress it up or down and either way it still looks fab.

I generally wear it with a turtleneck - either black or grey, and if I’m feeling really art hoe (I’m wearing this exact combo right now) I’ll put an oversized short sleeved T-shirt over the top to add a little bit of the indie pretentious factor into the outfit! I’m actually right now wearing my hair in French braids so I’m looking 100% art hoe today. I do kind of like that look though I won’t lie to you.

I also just want to sing my praises to these shoes! I’ve had them for about a year and a half and I wore them religiously through Year 13 - the right one is actually really badly broken, (the shoe part is coming off the actual shoe and I NEED to sort it but might ask my dad to glue it next weekend, or I could just replace them but hello I’m a broke student so let’s not?!) which explains very well why I have a massive hole in my tights!! I was walking to uni on Wednesday morning and I literally tripped over my own feet because my shoe was broken…and when I say tripped I mean I tripped and did quite a dramatic, hands out, knee down, slightly screechy fuck emitting from my mouth kind of fall. One (pretty badly) grazed knee and one pair of ripped tights later I realised didn’t have any other clean tights (I only have two pairs because they seem to fall into that category of things that just mysteriously disappear along with hair bobbles and bobby pins and earring backs) so I had to last the whole day wearing the ones with a massive hole in right where I’d fallen. Thumbs up for adulting am I right. You’ll be pleased to know I picked up some more tights in Primark yesterday.

That wraps up this blog post - I feel like it sums up my weekend in a nutshell I won’t lie. It was so so lovely and I do really want to be back snuggling with Vicky in her bed again but it won’t be long now until we go home for Christmas so I’m very much looking forward to that.

How have all your weekends been?

Em xx

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