
2018 | Thank You, Next

Thursday, 3 January 2019

I'm going to be completely honest, 2018 has been a massive bitch for me. Don't get me wrong, it's taken a serious turn for the better September onwards, but the previous eight months?? Honestly, I'd just like to forget they happened.

I think this year has brought about the most personal growth for me. It's gonna sound really really cheesy and cliche but I'm one step closer to finding myself. I'm the sort of person who's never really had an identity as such, I've never been that girl who does this or anything like that but I think this year has led to finding that identity a bit more. Life has strengthened me by throwing me a somewhat toxic relationship and subsequent heartbreak, making me realise that love is not something you can force and a relationship is not something to waste time searching for and trying to make it happen. I've learned how to speak back to people and not let them walk all over me, something that was seriously holding me back. Not that I've turned into a massive bitch or anything (I hope) but I've just learned not to take any shite from anyone. Life's too short for that.

I don't think I'll be setting any concrete New Year resolutions or goals as such this year. Instead, I'm giving myself a motto rather than a resolution and that's simply just to try harder and I'm going to try and apply that to every aspect of my life - my friendships, my blog, my relationship, social media, YouTube, organisation, mental and physical wellbeing - literally everything. I'm the sort of person who doesn't do well with actual goal setting, I tend to pile too much onto myself and then feel bad if I can't do it all. That being said though, I have a few things I want to try and do this year that aren't exactly goals, but things I'm going to challenge myself to just to keep me going, for example I want to educate myself more. 

There are so many fields I'm interested in outside my own, like economics, feminism, politics, psychology etc etc so I think some nonfiction reading is definitely on the cards and with that, I want to write more life-y content on my blog. I was talking to my girl Fran the other day and we've both decided we want to talk more about these things, our opinions, our politics, feminism, change up that content to be a bit more real. Of course, I love my fashion and beauty posts and they won't be going anywhere, but I also want to talk about Brexit and women and intersectionality and all the good social awareness/world affairs stuff because it's all things I love and I'm interested in. 

Also on the blog front, it sort of ties into trying harder but I'm hoping that with the trying harder I'll be able to reach 2000 Instagram followers and 1000 YouTube subscribers. I'm also hoping to go self-hosted this year so hopefully will be able to score myself a few more collaborations. As you can see I've already (kind of) got into the shooting thing again with Ellie, but can we NOT talk about the fact that my face is pretty much reflective in some of these photos??? I know I'm pale, but why am I so shiny?!?!

So there you have it - goodbye 2018, one of the less great years, and hello 2019, who has a very low standard to meet. It's not going to be hard to make this a better one - so bring it the f*ck on.

What are you going to try and achieve this year?

Em xx

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