
The 2017 Roundup

Sunday, 24 December 2017

I'm going to be completely honest with you now, pals, I can barely even remember what happened in 2017, the whole thing just went so so quickly. Everyone is saying it - it's practically the only thing I hear at the moment! But it's true - it only feels like yesterday I was waking up in January thinking how quickly 2016 went by!

I don't know if it's just me but I love seeing other people's Christmas trees, I think every family decorates them so differently, it's such a personality thing haha

it's kind of a tradition at this point for me and my sisters to put these cute little angels on the tree in the most interesting ways possible. This year we've got one clinging onto a branch, though she looks slightly drunk, and one attempting to climb the tree to the top. Don't ask.

my grandad made these little trees donkey's years ago.

So, as bloggers do at this time of year (I am such a fan of blogger cliches - call me a "typical blogger" any day and I'll be perfectly happy), here's a nice lovely roundup of everything that went on this year if I can even remember.

Five Good Things From The Week #4

Friday, 15 December 2017

Nice cute picture from our lil shoot the other day.

I haven't done a Five Good Things for soooo long and honestly I kind of found myself missing it?! It's so nice to have something like this at the end of a week, positive or negative as it just helps me to find some good things that happened and really appreciate life a lot more than I do sometimes.

01// Today was the last day of term!! At 11:03 I walked out of my last exam and into Christmas freedom!! Well, not exactly - I've got a portfolio deadline on the 12th January so I'll be writing for a lot of Christmas but that's okay - not too much pressure. I'm going home on Sunday and genuinely can't wait.

02 // I picked up a couple of lurrrvely bits in charity and thrift shops this week, including the above jumper which I wrote a post on here. I've discovered just how much I love thrifting recently which has contributed to one of my NY resolutions (but you'll have to wait to find out exactly what it is ;) )

03 // I realised what amazing friends I have after the ups and downs I've had the past week. They've let me cry on their shoulders and laugh the next minute with them and just given me a real reason to get out of bed in the morning.

04 // I'm so proud of myself for keeping Vlogmas up for 14 days. I missed one day out of that which is so much better than I thought I'd do!! You can check out my Vlogmas over on my YouTube ;)

05 // Honestly, I'm just quite happy right now. Just in general I'm very happy with the people I have in my life and what I'm doing and the things I'm learning and I'm just feeling pretty good. It makes a change to about a month ago when (and my friends can vouch for this) I was a serious mess. A lot can change if you let it :))

What are five good things from your week?

Em xx

Pretty Girls In Ugly Jumpers

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Oh hello again!!

So...blogmas kind of went out of the window, didn't it?! I'm honestly enjoying Vlogmas much more, my editing skills are being improved and I kind of just love vlogging. Not to say I don't love blogging, but I feel like with the pressure of having to get a blogpost out every day I end up rushing it and not putting out as good content as I'd like to be if that makes sense? I'd prefer to put out a really good blogpost two or three times a week rather than just bashing out something every day that's a bit below par. That being said though, I've been very inactive this week simply because I've been swarmed with exams and deadlines and family drams and so on and so forth so I've had no time to do anything else! But I got one exam out of the way yesterday and I've got another one on Friday and then term ends and home for Christmas it is.

November Favourites

Monday, 4 December 2017

Welcome to the most generic blogmas post ever!! I'm sure we're all bashing this one out at the moment so hopefully mine won't be too samey same!!

December Bullet Journal Update

Saturday, 2 December 2017


Today I thought I'd give you all a lil bullet journal update because hell have I gone ALL OUT for December - it's snowy and Christmassy as heck. I took a lot of inspiration for this month from AmandaRachLee who is one of my all time favourite bullet journal YouTubers. So let's dive on in...

Life In November & December Goals

Friday, 1 December 2017

!!!!!!!!!! (This is my first blogmas post since I did it in 2013. What a time.)

Getting Back On Track

Thursday, 30 November 2017

It's fair to say I hit a brick wall recently. Sometime last week something just clicked and I was not okay all of a sudden. I've said before what a weird time university is and there was a point last week when I just went "I want to go home" and as luck would have it I was due home that weekend. It did me the world of good, along with meeting with my personal tutor on Tuesday to try and work out of my rut and getting my braces off yesterday as well. Life throws so many curveballs and sometimes it throws them for absolutely no bloody reason whatsoever and catching them can get so so overwhelming.

How To Help Uni Feel Like Home

Monday, 27 November 2017

Hello frens!!

So as you've gathered from the title of this post, I thought I'd make a lil list of the things you can do to help yourself feel a little more at home at university. It feels like an odd time to be publishing this since most people are already at uni and seem to have settled in really well, but I also know that there may be some who are still struggling (I know I am) and first semester can often be the hardest time. I wanted to start branching into student blogging a little bit more and writing about student life and how I'm finding it so I guess this is my first post in this idea.

Five Good Things From The Week #3

Saturday, 25 November 2017

(This week has been so much more positive than last week, things are 100% looking up)

Gallivants In Leicester

Monday, 20 November 2017

As if I hadn’t already banged on enough about it, this weekend I went to see my best friend in Leicester!! Like I said in Five Good Things yesterday, I’ve had a really rough week to say the least and if I’m being completely honest the only thing getting me through at some points was the thought of seeing Vicky this weekend and being with someone who knows me better than I know myself. We had a night in on the Friday and watched Netflix and ate a lot of Ben & Jerry’s and pizza and then got a good ten hours sleep like the grandmothers we are!! On Saturday we gallivanted around a little bit, went on a lovely shopping trip where I picked up some bits for my next makeup tutorial (VERY excited about this one so I hope you are too) and then went on a pretty big bender I won’t lie!! I’m currently writing this after having done the stressful train change from Leicester to Nottingham and I’m on the two hour journey from Nottingham to Manchester so I thought what better time to write a post and share some cute photos that Vicky took for me.

Five Good Things From The Week #2

Friday, 17 November 2017

a nice painting I did a while ago.

I'm going to be completely honest with you, this week has been massively up and down. Had a pretty shitty weekend and spent the week trying to come back from a massive slump, so it's been very all over the place. However, some good and very positive things have happened so here they are.

Favourite Winter Lipsticks

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Wow. This is possibly one of the most generic blog posts ever during autumn/winter. But you know what, I'm a cliche blogger so I'm going to do it anyway!!

All of these lipsticks (apart from three), as you probably will have guessed, are indeed liquid lipsticks. I just don't seem to get on with normal stick lipsticks anymore. Liquid ones are so much easier to apply and much more long wearing and the best part is you just don't have to worry about smearing when you eat or drink!!

Five Good Things From The Week #1

Friday, 10 November 2017

01 // I had a couple of lovely catch ups with my older sister this week. It's so nice to have a family member living close by and while we don't see each other constantly and have separate lives it's very nice to meet up for brunch (PSA for my Manny friends - Home Sweet Home is one of the best brunch spots in the entire county) or go to hers for dinner sometimes, her housemates are all lovely and it's nice to go somewhere that's a little more homely and less lonely than halls are.

02 // I booked train tickets to go and see my best friend Vicky in Leicester for next weekend!! Lovely gal she is offered to pay the difference for me to get the train instead of the coach so I'm swanning down there next Friday evening to see her. I only saw her a couple of weeks ago but I can't wait to see her again.

03 // I cooked a really good chicken schnitzel the other night. I may have an unhealthy relationship with food sometimes and my parents may say I can't look after myself, but after eating that and a mountain of broccoli, carrots and sweetcorn, I felt very very good about my adult-ing skills.

04 // I haven't been quite brave enough to whip out Unicorn Blood (pictured above) yet, but I have been venturing into the darker lipstick territory!! Androgyny also by JS and Mars and Bachelorette by  Coloured Raine have been firm favourites recently. This is what happens when your favourite nude (FYI - JS Celebrity Skin) runs out and you can't bring yourself to spend £16 on a new one so you gotta stick it out until Christmas.

05 // I redesigned the blog!! Yes, once again the blog has had a revamp and get this - this time I have drop down menus!! I'm so excited about the endless possibilities drop down menus bring. 

What are five good things from your week?

Em xx

The Most Basic Autumn Ensemble

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Wow, "ensemble." You can really tell I'm an English student can't you 😂

Also, wow is this an outfit post?? Yes, yes it is. I finally found someone to take photos of me and not make me feel really awkward or self-conscious as they do, so thank you VERY much Ellie (who set up her own blog just yesterday which you can look at here) for taking these (and many more) photos for me.

So what is the most basic autumn ensemble??

Life In October & November Goals

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

I honestly cannot believe it's already November, the time has gone so quickly this year. It really feels like only yesterday I came out of my last A Level exam and frittered the entire summer away on Netflix. I can't believe I've already done a month and a half at university. Some days it feels like I've been here for six years but at the same time I can remember the day I moved in like it was a week ago. It still doesn't feel real, somehow. I feel like I'm going to move back home in a little while, instead of being here for another three years. 

a fun autumn makeup look!

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Hello everybody and welcome to my first blogpost in a while!!

Today I'm sharing these fun photos with you because this is a tutorial I filmed a while ago but have only just got round to editing and uploading (was uploaded today at 11am)

I mean, I do enjoy a LOT how well the eyeshadow matches the wall of my uni room, I think that's pretty cool and completely unintentional haha. Also s/o to Lily who gave out some handy photo editing tips in a recent post about how to get that lovely warm tone to photos, hopefully I'll have a few more to try it out on soon, as you can probably tell these got very red but I'm kind of enjoying it anyway?? I'm still trying to get my head around the ins and outs of colour theory but I'm liking having a new thing to focus on. Gives me a nice distraction from the bore that is Great Expectations, that's for sure.

Story Time: Didn't We Have A Lovely Day The Day We Went To Bangor

Monday, 16 October 2017

I went home for a couple of days, probably about 24 hours or so, simply for an orthodontist appointment. The journey down was fine - funny coincidence as I recognised both the two girls sat opposite me from both of my old schools - a nice relaxed hour and a half journey to my local train station. My mum picked me up and we went to my orthodontist appointment, all fine and dandy. Had a lovely home cooked meal, a great 12 hour sleep in my old bed and the best shower of my life the next morning. If you’ve ever lived in student accommodation you’ll know that the showers leave a lot to be desired. 

World Mental Health Day 2017

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

If I'm honest, I wasn't really sure what to write about this year on World Mental Health Day. My post last year was all about why we celebrate it, celebrate being the key word there, and I don't feel like I have anything to add to that a year later.

A lot can change in a year. Last year on World Mental Health Day I'd made it to fourteen days clean of self harming. As you can see above, however, I've made it to 147. I'm in a different place with different people and it's made all the difference. I'm happy.

A Chat About Inspiration And Creative Ruts

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Uni life is great, I tell you that. Today I've done nothing but run a 5K with my sister this morning, subsequently eat my weight in food because I slept through my alarms and had no time to eat before the run...and that's it. Bored as hell, I decided to catch up on my YouTube watching and came across a new Klaire de Lys video on a simple elegant skull Halloween tutorial.

I LOVE this type of art style, the delicate shapes and patterns all working together to create one piece. You can't have one element of it without another. There's so much creativity involved in it too, so many different ways you can twist the patterns and make them your own. So, given that I haven't painted anything in an extremely long time, I decided to give this a try. It's simple and easy and so so quick to do - considering most of my paints take me a solid 2 hours and mostly more (that pink zombie thing I did was a solid 7 1/2 hours of work), to be able to sit down and create something in half an hour is quite nice.

It got me thinking about inspiration though and if this is the reason I haven't painted anything in so long. I mean, I know the practical reason is because I left all my paintbrushes at home when they should have come to Manchester with me and I only got them a week ago when my dad came up. But even before I moved out, it's still been ages since I did anything properly arty and I just can't figure out why. 

I sometimes get stuck in ruts when I can't think of any ideas for anything at all, whether it's art or writing or anything, I just can't hack it, and then I get stuck in ruts when I just can't be bothered. You'd think if you loved something that much you'd always be bothered to do it but honestly, sometimes I can't. My mind goes crazy at itself because one half of it is bursting with inspiration and ideas and the other half just doesn't want to do anything with those ideas. 

What always helps me in either of those ruts, though, is turning to my favourite artists for inspiration. Something that's quick and easy and something I know I can handle and something I know I can do. This sort of thing is still a challenge because of the artistic technique behind it, but it's a challenge I can easily take on. To tell you the truth, I think the last time I attempted to paint something (other than my Pride themed makeup) was when I tried once again to recreate my cracked skull makeup I did two years ago based on the Elsa Rhae video that first got me into body painting. And, even though it was another year after I'd done it again, I had another year of experience under my belt, it just was like I'd never picked up a paintbrush before. And when I know I can do something better than what I've done (if that makes sense) it frustrates me and it knocks my confidence and it doesn't just knock it - it batters it to a pulp and suddenly I am the most uninspired I've ever been. Its the same  thing that happened with my trumpet playing - I was good, I was ready to take my Grade 8, I was getting better and better, and then I got braces and it was like taking a hundred painful steps back to stage 1, and now nearly two and a half years later I haven't picked it up in a long time and I've lost the love I once had for playing music.

And God, I did not want that to happen with painting but once my confidence takes a knock it takes me so long to want to do whatever it is again. Like I said before - I'm inspired but I can't be bothered because I hate failure. I hate failing at something I used to be good at. 

So anyway, that's enough rambling, back to the point - I created something today and yes, while it was completely inspired by another artist and it was basically someone else's idea, that's okay and it's restored some of my confidence in myself and I'm happy and proud of what I've done today. It's not perfect but I'm not perfect and to be honest, my style isn't perfect and it never will be. I like a slightly more rough-around-the-edges style when it comes to body art. And can we just talk about my actual eye makeup please for a second, thank you Morphe 35O, thanking you kindly.

Will be back soon my friends. Lots of love to you all. The support means the world.

Em xx

Story Time: My First Romance In Manchester

Friday, 6 October 2017

Manchester is not exactly a city of love and let's be honest, nightclubs are not exactly places to go to find love. Like Ed Sheeran sings "the club isn't the best place to find a lover" etc etc. So this isn't a story about love so don't get your hopes up. I say "romance" in the loosest term possible.

There's a nightclub in Manchester called Factory. Sweaty and hot, there are three floors of charts, indie and the proper bass line house music that only idiots spend four hours in the middle of the night listening to. As sophisticated and slightly drunk (I say slightly also in the loosest term possible) adult students, we spent three hours on the indie floor, as can be expected. Also as the know-it-alls we are, we decided hanging out near the door to the floor would be the best idea ever. I also say this heavily loaded with sarcasm. We did this in another nightclub too, and another a few nights later. Still we hadn't learned our lesson. All I can say is, never ever decide to dance enthusiastically to Town Called Malice near the door of a nightclub. Drunk teenagers young adults are aggressive when you're in their way.

Something you should definitely know about me before I continue is that in general, I fall in love with people on a daily basis. We're talking maybe five to eight people, boys and girls, at any random points throughout the day. They could be walking down the street or sitting opposite me on the bus and I'll just fall in love with something about them - their hair, their eyes, their outfit, their entire get the idea. I don't mean it in a creepy way, I just have extremely intense feelings towards someone for the thirty seconds they're opposite me, and then as soon as they've gone, it's over and the feelings melt away with the person, most likely never to be seen again. So you can imagine how I get when I've had a few glasses of wine. Not only do I fall in love with many people in a nightclub, I make it extremely obvious in a way that my sober self definitely does not. I also fall in love with ten times as many people, because, and if anyone's ever heard the phrase "beer goggles" you'll know exactly what I mean, people often seem prettier than they are in the dark and when you've had a bit to drink.

So you can imagine the scene. This guy with his group of friends come up to my group of friends and they start dancing with us. 

"He's cute," I think to myself. "In a sort of 2000s emo way." No part of this felt wrong to me.

He starts putting his hands on my waist and I go along with it even though this close I'm beginning to realise he smells a bit, mostly of body odour and beer which I'm sure every other guy in there smelled of too, but it was slightly overpowering in a very unattractive way.

"What university are you at?!" he shouts in my ear. It sounds aggressive but if you've ever tried to have a conversation with someone in a nightclub you'll know that it's damn near impossible. Hence why the club isn't the best place to find a lover.

"Manchester Metropolitan!" I shout back to him. He smiles and nods, asserting the fact that he is at the same university as me. He asks me what I study, I answer English because English and Creative Writing is way too long and complicated for someone to understand through nightclub shouts. I don't remember what he said he studied.

We dance a bit longer, I'm getting happy because one of my favourite songs, Come On Eileen, had just started playing. The guy is smiling at me and laughing and still has his hands on my waist. I think back to it now and they were extremely sweaty.

Then he leans in again and says, "I'm not going to force anything but if you want to - you know."

Everyone knows what you know means. So I did. I accepted his offer of you know and leaned up to press my lips against his. I don't really remember it much except that it was kind of wet and there were a lot of teeth. And that's how my first snog in Manchester went. A simple offer of you know. 

He leans down after another song (at least, I thought it was only a song - apparently me and my "friend" were going at it for three. That's a long time). 

"Do you want to come back to mine tonight?"

The ever fateful question. The offer of you know and more. I didn't make a decision there and then. 

"My dad's coming really early tomorrow morning, I don't think so!" I shout back. It's not a lie - my dad is due at mine at 9:30 the next morning.

He shrugs and smiles. "I'll come to yours then!" He seems keen, I thought to myself.

Me being me, the first thing that popped into my head was contraception. I haven't quite got around to getting any condoms yet because honestly I'm too awkward to, and I'm not on the Pill because the side effects scare me too much. And I am super paranoid about STDs anyway so the only contraception I'll be using is condoms, thank you very much.

"That's okay!" He began shouting back. Immediately I started saying no way Hozay, I am not doing it and relying on your pull out game. "I've got some with me!" he continued. 

Alarm bells started ringing even more vigorously. What guy carries condoms on a night out with him who ISN'T expecting to take a girl back with them?! So obviously, there was nothing about me, I was just the first girl to take an interest in him and he only really wanted one thing out of it all.

"It'd also be my first time!" I decided to pull out the virginity card. I made up my mind as soon as he said he had condoms with him. Anything to get away from him now. Again not a lie. Then, I noticed a girl we'd been hanging out with that night needed someone to go outside for a cigarette with her, so obviously, I needed an excuse (my desperation was at a point where I was about to text my flatmate to come up with a great excuse for me to leave) so outside I went with her, telling the guy I'd be back. I wouldn't. Not to him anyway. 

But what do you know, friends, he followed us outside. Under the pretence of having a cigarette too, obviously. And let me tell you - I didn't realise quite how unattractive I found him until I saw him under a street light and slightly more sober than I had been. 

But by that point it was too late - my lipstick was already on his mouth, my friends were questioning my choices and Come On Eileen now had an entirely new memory attached to it. And now my sober mind was going through everything wrong. His hands were sweaty on my bare skin, his stupid stubble was way too rough on my lips and his breath smelled of awfully cheap stale nightclub beer. I noticed his earring, one of those weird stretcher things, and I wanted to ask had it hurt to have it done but somehow it did not seem like the right moment.

The day after I went on the anti-Brexit march with my dad and sister and we didn't mention the guy. I didn't mention him at all. However, I spent the Sunday night at a friend's house and the guy was brought up.

"What were you thinking?" he laughed to me. "That emo fringe and - "

"The stretcher!!" I laughed back, not even being able to believe myself. "At least it wasn't for very long, I guess."

"Not very long?" he raised an eyebrow at me. "You were full on going for it for about three songs, every time we looked over you were still at it."

I buried my face in my hands, absolutely mortified.

He hasn't been mentioned since.

Thank. God.


So friends, there is my first romance in Manchester. You can understand why I say it's romance in the loosest term possible. 

Have you ever made any terrible mistakes while you've been out and tipsy?! Let me know in the comments below!

Emilia xx

#StopBrexitManchester | Why I Went And Why It's Important

Monday, 2 October 2017

Hello friends from my small uni kitchen where I'm waiting for my chicken to finish defrosting while my flatmate makes paella and beef wellington for dinner and my other flatmate is doing a crossword. This isn't a post about uni life so far, however much I know you must be gagging for a post about it (of course.), it's actually about a pretty significant event that happened yesterday here in Manchester.

I'm not going to get on my political soapbox and preach about why we should have remained in the EU or anything, nor am I going to complain and whine because that's clearly not going to help anything.

However, I am going to tell you why I went on this march and why I think it's so important to have marches and protests like this, even after an outcome has been reached.

For those who don't know, me and my dad run a pretty small anti-Brexit Twitter campaign called Brits Against Brexit, so we firstly used the march as a bit of a marketing strategy, because obviously who wouldn't right?! Obviously the main reason we went on the march was because we are all anti-Brexit but it's so much more than that. 

While tweeting from Brits Against Brexit using #stopbrexitmanchester we came across many replies telling us we won't make any difference, what's done is done and there's nothing we can do about it now, it was decided by a democratic referendum and so on and so on. Chances are we won't change the decision of the government, but I do just want to address this idea of a democratic referendum.

While the actual referendum itself (as in, the question asked, the ballot paper and the voting procedure) was as democratic as they come, it was the months building up to the referendum that was so undemocratic. You see, if we really think about it, the entire Leave campaign was built on lies and scaremongering, we all saw the nonsense about £350 million going to the NHS if we left?! But I digress, I'm sure we all heard the complaints when the results came through. The main reason for me that the referendum was undemocratic was because I was not allowed to vote. And I don't mean me personally, I mean the entire 16-17 year old population of the UK. 

In my personal opinion, and in the opinions of many others, we should have been able to vote in that referendum as we are the ones that the outcome will affect directly, and as my father pointed out yesterday, the effects will be happening when we are of age. The reason I marched yesterday was because my future was taken away from me and I didn't have a choice about that, and to me that is as undemocratic as it comes. The reason we weren't allowed to vote? They were scared of us. Young people who are interested in politics have a voice and we have very loud voices. Yes, a some of us would have voted Leave if our parents were, or just because they don't care, but also the majority of us cared more than the 65+ population did. We weren't thinking of the 'good old days when we weren't in the EU', we were thinking of the bad new days when we aren't in the EU. That majority of us were loud and we were yesterday and we will always be. 

The reason my sister marched yesterday is because, post-Brexit, her job prospects in neuroscientific research will be reduced dramatically as most funding for our scientific research comes from the EU. Sure, the funding could come from elsewhere, but how long is that going to take and how much is that funding actually going to be? We leave the EU and we leave scientific research behind. Moreover, those who just say 'well, she can go and work in Europe', well yes of course she could if our right to live and work in the EU wasn't being taken away too!!

We marched for the young people who didn't have a choice and the future scientists who will struggle to find jobs, but we also marched in solidarity with the EU citizens living in the UK and the UK citizens leaving the EU whose futures at home with their loved ones are in jeopardy. We marched with the business owners who will be economically affected by the falling pound and we marched because first and foremost we care a hell of a lot about what's going to happen in the years to come.

I did end up on my political soapbox a little bit there, but it's true and I won't stop going on about it anytime soon so don't expect me to. We may not make any difference to the overall decision but we can at least let the government know how annoyed we are about it!!

Alright, that's me done, so I'm going to leave you with some pictures from the day and this: Bollocks to Brexit.

Emilia xx

For those who don't know, this is Dr Mike Galsworthy, he's a big pro-EU activist in the science world, hence why Jess was so excited to meet him!!

The End Of (Yet Another) Era | Why I Didn't Defer

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Greetings my friends, from my bedroom where I am officially typing my last blog post here. At least for a while anyway.

Yep, that's right, tomorrow I move out and on up to the big ol' city of Manchester to start my degree. Shall I tell you how I'm feeling?? I would, but I don't think I can without using a number of expletives which I don't think is particularly appropriate for my audience.

In all honesty, moving out is a terrifying prospect. Today, the day before we go, I'm  feeling really strange, I'm flipping from one mood extreme (can't believe it's happening, I'm so excited to leave and be on my own and independent for a bit!!) to the next (I do not want to leave.) My three best friends left my house about two hours ago and the thought of not seeing them until Christmas is slightly disconcerting.

But on the other hand I'm filled with this overwhelming excitement that honestly cancels out every other negative thought I'm having about the whole process. I've been chatting to my hall mates and course mates for a few weeks now and made good friends with a few of them - my flatmates seem lovely and my actual flat is lovely too. I thought I'd add into this post just my reasons for not deferring in the end as well - for those of you who don't know, my plan when I applied for university was to defer until 2018 and do something makeup-orientated in my year out. However back in June I suddenly realised that actually, I really didn't want to defer. It was for a number of reasons to be honest with you which I will now list:

✨ I hated the thought of seeing all my friends heading off and not going with them because they'd all be moving on while I'd be stuck in my crappy town

✨ it's easier to be excited for a gap year when you actually have plans for it. I did not. I was simply going to bum around for a year.

✨ it's also easier to be excited when you've got a job you actually like doing. No, that's a bit of an exaggeration, some parts of working in a play cafe at a kids activity farm were lovely like the friends I made and the money and the little kids running around everywhere but it's extremely boring and tedious work. The thought of doing that for a whole year was dreadful.

✨ honestly, I picked a degree I love and I did not want to wait a year to start it. I'd miss learning and the stimulation too much. Also, I think I'd get completely out of the habit of learning and working and going back to it would be a struggle for me.

I mean, that's just a few of the reasons why I didn't defer my university entry in the end. Now it's here and it's happening, however, it feels totally natural and totally normal. My grandma said to me yesterday that they were surprised that I deferred in the first place and had a slight inkling that I'd choose not to. Just goes to show that maybe your family really do know you better than you know yourself!! But in all seriousness, I don't regret bringing my entry forward. It's almost got to a point where I can't imagine myself ever wanting to take a year out in the first place!! 

Obviously, university isn't for everyone and that's completely understandable, I'm a huge advocate of just doing what is going to make YOU happy and no one else - I made this choice completely on my own which I don't think I did when I was deferring. If you don't want to go to uni because you want to follow a different career path or just because it's simply not for you - you do you. 

So that concludes this little thrown together post, it's a bit of a shambles but to be honest, that reflects what our entire house looks like right now!

On another note, I uploaded a university Ikea haul the other day, I filmed a fun video with my aforementioned pals and I'm also vlogging the moving process. Not very well, but look out for that on my YouTube channel.

That's all for now. Onwards and up(north)wards. See you in Manchester, pals.

Emilia xx

September Bullet Journal

Friday, 8 September 2017

Hello my darlings!!

Slightly different post today, I don't think I've ever showed you guys my bullet journal! I've only really got into it recently, I used to do a modified version of it which was a little more art journally, but I got given a new Moleskine for my birthday so I thought when August began I'd make a proper go of doing it. I've been watching videos for so long and have been wanting to get started for ages but just never really had the motivation so I spent a few months practising my calligraphy and handwriting and things, and when we went to America I got a bunch of new pens and things so this month is pretty good!

I want to just reiterate that even though you see all these insane bullet journal accounts on Instagram and on YouTube, you literally don't have to do any of this stuff to have a bullet journal, the entire point of it is to organise your life in the way you want to, and honestly having something pretty that I've worked hard on guilt trips me into using it so much so it works well for me, but it is pretty time consuming so really all you need is a notebook and one pen. The entire website and original video can be found here explaining how to do it and I'll link a few of my favourite YouTube and Instagram accounts on the end of the post if you need some more inspo from people who have been doing it longer than me!! So onto my bullet journal...

I chose an autumnal theme for September, some people choose like one thing to do for the month like clouds or waves or flowers or leaves etc, some choose colours to base it around but I like doing more seasonal themes, so September is autumnal, October is going to be Halloween, November winter and December Christmas. That's as far as I've thought though!! So I was thinking rust colours, dark greens, leaves, acorns, pine cones, all that good stuff. My title page basically incorporates all of that, very nice. I'll put an entire list of supplies I use at the end of this post too for those who are interested!

This isn't that interesting or pretty but I thought I'd chuck it in anyway, me and my mum did a MASSIVE uni list on the plane on the way to America and while I plan to do a huge post about my uni shopping list, I thought I'd put it in anyway. It's possibly the messiest list ever but I keep thinking of new things to add to it randomly, the joys of going to uni! The IKEA trip is happening today so expect some more. Might do a haul video if my mum doesn't think it's too weird!!

So onto my calendars. I used to do this personal events list and then a square calendar on the opposite page but I just never used the square one so replaced it instead with my workout schedule. I'm not too keen on the colours of this, I wish I'd used more browns rather than oranges but I kinda went a bit ham haha. I also have my YouTube growth tracker on there too which I love so much, it's so good to see growth when I can actually keep it active!! I also do my monthly goals list but I did cover it up bc they're kinda personal lol. This is a perfect example of why bullet journalling is so good - you can put anything you want into it, and if you don't like it the next month, you can just get rid of it. It's so good.

I think this might be my favourite spread from this entire month. I did a new layout for my mood tracker this month, using this circle instead of a graph. I LOVE this so much, gives me so much more room to be creative and do some doodling. My habit tracker I kept the same because I like colouring in the squares haha. As you can see, I've not been very good at it so far but to be fair to me, I have been in America and flying back and recovering from jetlag but I plan on using these in earnest the beginning of next week, the habit tracker really helps me keep myself accountable and keep myself on track and working on everything. 

Again a spread I LOVE. I do a video ideas and blogposts page every month because it's good to have them all in one place, and a highlights page is so good and so much fun to look back on at the end of the month and remember all the good times. Lil sneak peek into some upcoming videos and posts there too. Any other ideas you have, hit me up.

So this is my first weekly spread, I decided to change it up and do sections instead, because I feel like with uni work coming up life is going to get very busy and I'm going to need much more space to organise myself. The calligraphy is so shaky because it was one of my first times using my new Tombow Fudenosuke brush pen and it's a lot harder than it looks! But, practise makes perfect.

And the last double page spread I've done so far is just my swatch page of my Supertips and my other most used pens. I do love this because it gives me one place to choose a colour to use so it's so useful. Plus it just looks really pretty and I am actually so proud of my calligraphy in this, see I am getting better!!

So that concludes my bullet journal for September! As promised, here's a list of the products I used this month...

♥ Crayola Supertips (for colours and video and blogpost title calligraphy)
♥ Faber Castell Ecco Pigment 0.3mm fineliner
♥ Tombow Fudenosuke calligraphy pen (I have both soft and hard tips but I prefer the soft!)
♥ Pilot G-2 0.5mm pen (this is a rollerball gel so much better than fineliners because the tip doesn't wear down and get thicker the more you use it!)

Other products I love are...

♥ Frixion pastel highlighters
♥ Stabilo pastel highlighters
♥ Stabilo pastel fineliners 
♥ Tombow duo brush pens (pastel colours)

Yes, I have a slight addiction to pastels. Please leave me alone.

And also as promised, here's a list of my favourite bullet journal accounts and YouTube channels (some of these are also studygrams, also great for calligraphy inspo and motivation):

AmandaRachLee (honestly my all time favourite)
Miss Louie (also does fab fashion videos)

Okay I'm done now!! Have fun with the bujo porn, I could spend hours scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest haha! Hope you enjoyed my own bullet journal and maybe got som inspiration from it, I'll do another update at the end of the month so you can see the rest of my weekly spreads and my finished mood/habit trackers which I WILL keep up. I almost need a habit tracker for my habit tracker ffs.

See you soon gals!

Emilia xx

Life Update & A Level Results

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Hi everyone!! Just a quickie post from me today, thought I'd update you on goings on and new things and new beginnings happening at the moment!

So the first thing I should address is my A Level results!! You guys know how anxious I was about those damn results so fair to say it was a massive weight lifted off when I logged onto UCAS Track on the 17th August at 7:50am and saw I got my place at Manchester Metropoltian to study English and Creative Writing. The shock was even bigger when my mum and I went into school to collect my results and I far surpassed all expectations - I'm pretty happy with my A*AB I have to say. For someone who was predicted a C in Sociology after March mocks, getting an A* was possibly the biggest middle finger I could have given to my teachers!! I'm kidding - they were both super supportive and while they were both as surprised as I was, they were hugely congratulatory! Had some fun celebrations including a night out to a really shitty club in the town where I live and a lovely dinner with my grandparents and then another family event the day after. A really fun couple of days and still reeling from it to be honest!! Can't wait to head off on the 15th September to Manchester and begin life as an actual adult!! I might do a post about deferring my entry and why I chose not to, so if you're interested in that let me know. And any other A-Level and uni related content you'd like to see, just hit me up.

Another fun thing is that, like I mentioned in my last post, my family and I are currently on holiday in America, my older sister having spent two months out here in upstate New York lifeguarding for Camp America, so we took the opportunity to do a bit of travelling, seeing a different side to the USA than we saw two years ago. It's fair to say that I can see why some Americans never leave America, it's all so different you'd never need to go elsewhere! I'll have more posts about our trip coming up, but hopefully more organised than I recently have been - but I have said this before so we'll see.

not seeing this gal for two months was kind of a long time!
Another exciting thing is that I started a new blog!! Like I mentioned earlier, I'm off to study creative writing at uni and thought it might be time to start self-publishing some of my work - I used to publish it on Wattpad but honestly, it's not the easiest platform to use or grow on, so I've set up a separate blog to share some of my pieces on. It's called Last Mile Home and you can find it here if you're interested in my more creative and imaginative work. I would do it here but some of it is a little NSFW and just doesn't fit the overall lifestyle-y chatty vibe I've got going on on here, which I'm really enjoying at the moment. There's not much on there at the moment but I'm planning on uploading pieces I've already written every other day and when all of that is up I'll try and update twice a week or whenever I write something new!

This brings me onto my next point - I've decided that this academic year I'm really going to try and make a go of my blog and start trying to turn it into a bit more of a brand and a business, so I'm going to start sharing more on what is currently my makeup Instagram account. I feel like I only really show my followers over there one side of me but I have so many other passions like fitness and food and photography and clothes and bullet journalling, rather than just makeup, so I'm going to try and branch out a bit and start getting a bit of variety into my content. It might mean I lose interest and some followers but I just want to start being more myself and keeping my integrity a little more.

I think that's all I have to update you on for now! When I get back from holiday it'll be a mad rush to prepare for uni but I've got some exciting uni-based content to upload so I'll try my best to update regularly!

Emilia xx

Hiking To Stay Fit

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Greetings from very sunny, very warm Virginia, USA!! Me and my family are out here for a couple of weeks travelling with my older sister who has been doing Camp American up in New York for the entire summer, so thought I'd take the opportunity to talk about fitness. Lol.

I know, I know. At this point you're probably thinking something along the lines of "but, Emilia, you've never mentioned fitness before and you're about to go all gym wanker on us?" Well, no. I'm turning into a bit of a gym wanker it has to be said but I'm not suddenly going to start talking about pumping irons and counting macros and all that hardcore stuff. What I mean is, I just want to talk about some different ways of getting in some cardio and raising your heart rate which is always good for your body. I do want to talk about fitness a little bit more but I thought this would be a good one for a first post.

The other day, we did a fantastic hike (or walk, as my mother keeps telling me to call it - "hike is so American") to a beautiful waterfall in Pembroke, VA, called Cascade Falls. The hike was 4 miles there and back, and quite physically stimulating, with bridges and scrambles and lots of uphills and steps. In other words, it gets you a good sweat on just walking it. It'd also be a really good fell running trail, as there's a lot of interest involved in it so the time would almost fly by. My stamina still needs some work before I'd be able to run something like that but I would love to run that particular trail, shame it's in America is all!!

I don't feel like this photo really captures it properly, it was one I snapped in a hurry because the camera battery was about to die given that I'd been filming snippets of the hike for my YouTube and hadn't charged the battery first. Lesson learned there.

At the end there was this beautiful pool which people were full on going swimming in - we did not, but did go for a bit of a paddle and let me tell you, it was freezing. See that shirtless guy in the right hand side of the above photo? Yeah, he was properly diving into that pool. And trying to convince his girlfriend (sat on the rock) to as well, but she steadfastly refused. I reckon I would have done if I'd had a wetsuit - us English gals are waaay used to freezing water temperatures, am I right?!

Anyway, back to the point. Though this hike is in America, there are really great walks all over England that are physically challenging but also just really good ways of spending more time with friends and family in a cheap way. Take the Lake District for example - a huge range of walks and peaks for any level, and youth hostels all over the place which hardly cost anything. A couple of years ago me, my Dad and my older sister did a wild camp up near Scafell Pike - it was the most challenging walk I'd done at that point in my life but I enjoyed it so much. Climbing peaks like that can also give you an immense feeling of accomplishment. Last year we did a trip up Snowdon - Snowdon is slightly different in that there are two well known trails up called the Pyg Track and Crib Goch. Pyg is a lot easier, your standard run-of-the-mill walk, whereas Crib Goch you should tackle if you've had some sort of mountaineering experience before as it does involve quite a lot of challenging scrambling and short climbs, plus a scramble along a rock ridge towards the end of the climb. We also did it when it was really foggy and the visibility was not good so I can say I was pretty scared at some points on that particular hike - but we made it out alive and I can say I've got a good experience under my belt.

The point is that walking is easy, accessible and a really sociable way of getting your sweat on and just getting that little bit of cardio in. If you live in the countryside there are so many different walks around the fields (Buckinghamshire has the Cross Bucks Way for example, me and the fam have completed the first 6 mile leg of the 26 mile total, really good and fills up a day too!). Cardio is essential if you're trying to get fitter - you can't just go to the gym and pump irons all day, although muscle strength is important cardio is also equally as essential. It increases your self-worth and sense of accomplishment, builds up your stamina and just raises your heart rate and gets you some fresh air which is always good for the brain.

So there's no excuse really!! Get a local map of the area, or even easier just Google some good walks near you, or even make it into a holiday and take a trip up to the Peak or Lake District and do some exploring around there.

Good luck and I'll be back soon with another fitness post, involving some water this time ;)

Emilia xx
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